ARE Lalekan
Dr. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are (OON).
B.Sc. (Agric.), M.Sc. (Crop Science), Ph.D. (Crop Science), FNIM, FIOD, FASN,
Place & Date of Birth: Ilesha, Nigeria; 2nd December, 1933.
St. David�s School, Kudeti, Ibadan 1940 � 1945.
N.A. Central School, Ibadan. 1946 � 1947
Government College Ibadan 1948 � 1952
Post Secondary School (Higher School Certificate):
Government College Ibadan 1953 (Jan - May)
University of Ibadan, Nigeria 1953 � 1958
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA 1959 � 1962.
Office of the Order of the Niger, OON. December 2003.
BSc (Agric.) London 1958 June
M.Sc. (Crop Science) Michigan State 1960 Sept.
Ph.D. (Crop Science) Michigan State 1962 June
Entrance � Government Scholarship into Government College, Ibadan 1947
First Prize: Senior Boys Art � Government College, Ibadan 1951
First Prize: Neatest Class Note books � Government College Ibadan 1952
Honoured International Alumni � Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA 1993 April
Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Management (FNIM) 1996 August
Fellow, Institute of Directors 2006 August
Fellow, Agricultural Society of Nigeria 2006 October
Football Colours � Government College Ibadan (GCI) 1952
Runner Up Prize, Table Tennis Championship � GCI, Ibadan 1951
Football Colours � University of Ibadan � 1953/54 � 1957/58
Table Tennis Colours � University of Ibadan 1953/54 � 1957/58
Cricket Fielding Honours � University of Ibadan 1956 - 1957
Captain � University of Ibadan Football Team 1956 � 1957
Elected Member, Students Representative Council, University of Ibadan 1956 - 1957
Minister of Food, University of Ibadan 1956 - 1957
(Chieftaincy Titles - Honorary)
Lagunna Bobajiro of Ibadanland
Are Baale Agbe of Ibadanland
1. American Society of Agronomy
2.Society of the Sigma XI of the USA (Full Member)
3.Agricultural Society of Nigeria (Life Member)
(a) Business Manager June 1963 � June 1970. The Society publishes a Proceedings and the Nigerian Agricultural Journal
4.Nutrition Society of Nigeria (Life Member)
(a)Treasurer, April 1966 � December 1970.
(b) Business Manager, 1967 � 1968. The Society publishes a proceedings.
5. Science Association of Nigeria (Life Member)
6.West African Science Association (Life Member)
7. Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa (AAASA) (Life Member)
8.Agricultural Society of Sierra Leone � Co-Founder and Life Member
9.Njala Science Association, Sierra Leone (1970/71) (Executive Member)
10.African Crop Science Society
11.Nigerian Institute of Management.
12.Institute of Directors
13.Michigan State University Alumni Association (Life Member)
14.Member of Spartan Society
1. Western Nigeria Development Corporation (WNDC), now Industrial Investment Credit Corporation (IICC), Ibadan.
(a)Assistant Unit Manager � June 1958 � June 1962.
As an Assistant Unit Manager, He was stationed at Apoje, Ogun State in Nigeria on a 5,263 hectares (13,000 acres) cocoa, citrus and oil palm modern plantation, where I worked, first in the oil palm field section and later, I was assigned the management of the Oil Palm, Cocoa and Citrus nurseries. He successfully raised 140,000, 72,000 and 28,000 Oil Palm, Cocoa and Citrus seedlings respectively in 1958/59.
He was at the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR), the then West Africa Institute for Oil Palm Research, near Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria between May and June, 1959 to study research methods and field plot technique.
(b)Senior Unit Manager � June 1962 � January 1963
2.Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Ibadan.
(a)Senior Research Officer February 1963 � March 1965
(b)Principal Research Officer April 1965 � June 1966
�Senior Principal Research Officer July 1966 � March 1968
(d)Acting Deputy DirectorApril 1965 � March 1968
�Deputy DirectorApril 1968 � September 1970.
As the Deputy Director, He was charged with the co-ordination of the Scientific Research of the Institute. By 1969/70, there were 31 Researchers on duty, 15 and 10 of who had Ph.D. and M.Sc. respectively.
3.Njala University College, Sierra-Leone
Professor of Agronomy � September 1970 � November 1971.
4.West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), Monrovia.
Deputy Executive SecretaryMay 1972 � May 1977.
As Deputy Executive Secretary of WARDA, He formulated, co-ordinated and executed Rice research, training and development projects in 14 West African countries, namely: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Cote d�Ivoire, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea and Liberia.
5.(a) Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
General Manager/CEO � June 1977 � June 1984.
(b) Upper Ogun-Oshun River Basin Rural Development Authority, Ibadan, Nigeria.
General Manager/CEO � July 1984 � February 1985.
As Chief Executive of the above 5 (a) & (b) multi-million Naira projects, He planned, executed and co-ordinated irrigation, electrification and water supply projects in the Rural areas of Oyo, Oshun, Ogun and Lagos States of Nigeria. I assisted farmers in Ogun, Oshun, Oyo and Lagos States to establish 10,700 ha. Farms operated by 2,300 farmers owning 4 ha. Each. Got the giant Oyan and Ikere Gorge Dams built, as well as 8 other medium and small earth dams for rural water supply, irrigation and hydroelectricity generation. Fish farmers thriving on their catches were also installed at the reservoirs created. We built 392km, feeder roads and maintained 600km, of existing 162,000 broilers, 5,475,000 eggs, 6,000kg, fish for eating, 500,000 fingerlings, thousands of oranges, 50 tonne of assorted vegetables (Soko, Ewedu), 200 tonne tomato, 10 million litres of treated water per annum. All earth dams (medium and small), road networks, poultry houses, 53 residential houses and the Training Centre were designed and built by direct effort. This saved the Authority millions of naira. We also drilled and commissioned a total of 54 boreholes between 1982 and December 1984.
6.From 1985 Managing director , Lekan Are Farms Limited, Ibadan. As a private, mixed, medium size farm, it grew corn, cowpea, fruits (mango, citrus and pawpaw) and vegetables. It also raised poultry mainly for eggs. It had a feedmill with 0.7 tonne capacity per hour.
7.Chairman and Managing Director: Kakanfo Enterprises Ltd., and Kakanfo Inn � from 1985.
8. Chairman, Board of Directors, University Press Plc., from December 1993.
Wema Bank Plc � from September 1989 to October 2004.
Chairman, Establishment Committee : 1993 � 1996; 1998 � October 2004.
10.Director, Wema Securities and Finance Plc. From 1995 to 2006.
11.Chairman, Solid Trust Insurance Brokers Limited. From 2010. (Director from 1996)
12.Director: Punch Nigeria Limited, Ikeja. From 1982.
13.Director, Independent Securities Ltd up to 2006.
14.Director, Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Company (NAIC), October 1988 to October 1993. Chairman, Establishment Committee of NAIC � October 1988 � October 1993.
15.Director, University of Ife Commercial Farms Limited, University of Ife, Nigeria. From June 1982 till 1985.
16.Director, Ilushin Estates Limited, Nigeria from 1967 to 1970.
Ilushin Estates Limited is an Agricultural business growing and processing rubber and he represented the interest of the then Western State Government of Nigeria in it.
17. Consultants to:
(a)International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria:
(i)1986: Served on a 6-man Study Group on Strategic Planning exercise in Rice research for the period up to 2000AD
(ii)1989: Served on an 8-man Group Study on Post-harvest technology.
(b)International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy.
1989: Served on a 2-man mission to Gambia, Liberia, Cote d� voire and Ghana on rice technology and Technical Support for IFAD Rice Projects in West Africa: July 16 to September 12, 1989.
1990:He undertook a mission to the Gambia to start-up the Small Scale Water Control Project (SSWCP) November 11 � December 3, 1990.
1992: Served on a 3-man mission to Ghana for the Supervision/Follow-up of IFAD-Supported Projects: September 9 � 20, 1992 and September 27 to October 9, 1992.
1992: Undertook a mission to the Gambia on Agronomic Aspects of the Small Scale Water Control Project (SSWCP): October 26 � November 6, 1992.
1993: Served on a 3-man Supervision Mission to the Gambia for the Small Scale Water Control Project (SSWCP): March 27 � April 12, 1993.
1993: Undertook a mission to the Gambia for the Review of Overall Co-ordination in Mac carthy Island Division of the Agricultural Services Project (ASP): April 8-23, 1993.
1993: Served on a 4-man Supervision Mission to Ghana for the Three IFAD �Supported Projects � namely Small holder Rehabilitation and Development Programme (SRDP), Small holder Credit, Input Supply and Marketing Project (SCIMP) and Upper East Land and Conservation and small holder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP): May 5-30, 1993.
1993: Served on a joint UNDP OPS/IFAD Supervision mission to the Gambia � Small Scale Water Control Project (SSWCP): September 25 � October 17, 1993.
�Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1996.
Served as Mission Leader to evaluate and reformulate a sustainable Productivity Improvements for Rice in Inland Valleys in West Africa (SPIRIVWA) project proposal in consultation with the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), Bouake, Cote d�Ivoire: February 24 to March 17, 1996.
(d) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, USA. 1996.
Served as Mission Leader for the joint UNDP/FAO/GRZ
Mid-Term Evaluation of ZAM/92/003 � The Integrated Crop Management/Food Legume Project. May 18 � June 15, 1996.
1996: Mission Leader for the joint UNDP/FAO/GOB
Terminal Evaluation of BOT/94/001 � Land Use Planning for Sustainable Agricultural Development. October 29 � November 18, 1996.
1997: Mission Adviser/Agricultural Development Planner for the joint formulation of Food Crop Diversification component of the Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Security (ARDES) programme of Zambia � March 29 to June 2, 1997.
18. 1987 to 1993 � Agricultural Adviser to Brian Munro Farms & Milling Limited (BMFML), Tede, Oyo State, Nigeria. He prepared the feasibility report for the 3226 hectares farm. The farm grew corn, cowpea, cassava and melon. It was to construct 1 or 2 small earth dams and raise fish.
19.Chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) Continuing Professional Education (CPE Seminar on Accounting for Agriculture, Kwara Hotel, Ilorin, Nigeria. August 22, 1985.
20.Activities in Government College Ibadan Old Boys Association (GCIOBA)
1962 � 1970Secretary, GCIOBA Ibadan Branch
1962 � 1963National Assistant Secretary, GCIOBA
1963 � 1970National Hon. Secretary, GCIOBA
1978/79 Member, Fund Raising Sub-Committee for the Golden Jubilee of GCI
1979 � May 1981 & 1988 � Nov. 1989 Member, GCI Board of Governors
1984 � 1988Member, Executive Committee, GCIOBA
1985Member, GCI Library Fund
1978 � 1989Chairman, GCIPTA
November 1988 � 2006President, GCIOBA
October 2007 till datePatron, GCIOBA
He has served GCIOBA in various capacities between 1962 when I returned to Nigeria from my post-graduate studies and now, except from 1970 to 1977 when he took International appointments outside Nigeria.
Major achievement as Chairman of GCIPTA include
-Purchase and installation of a giant electric generating set for GCI
-Drilling and commissioning of a borehole with overhead tanks for water supply to GCI
-Re-introduction of Boarding House System to GCI as from February 1987.
The Boarding House took off with 50 students. It now has over 500 students
21.Served the Technical Committee on Privatization and Commercialization (ICPC) Office of the President, Lagos, Nigeria.
(a) Member: Sub-Committee I on the Rationalisation of the Non-Water assets of the River Basin Development Authorities (RBDA). Nov. 1988 � March 1989.
(b) Member: Sub-Committee I on the Disposal of Non-Water Assets of Benin-Owena RBDA, Hadejia-Jemadare RBDA, Niger RBDA, Ogun-Oshun RBDA and Sokoto-Rima RBDA. Nov. 1989 � 1990.
� Chairman: Implementation Committee on the Commercialization of Ogun-Oshun RBDA. Nov. 1989 � Sept. 1990.
22. Member of the Working Party on the Agricultural Projects of the Western Nigeria Development Corporation (now HCC). The seven-man team headed by Mr. G.A. Ige, then a Federal Permanent Secretary, Lagos, Nigeria, produced a 110-page report in December 1963 for the then Western Region Government.
23. Member, Agricultural Projects Committee, Western Nigeria Development Corporation. July 1967 � December 1968.
24.Assigned the duty of commenting on the Report of the Committee of Investigation into Western Nigeria Development Corporation � Agricultural Projects submitted by Professor V.A. Oyenuga�s Committee to the Western State Military Government early in 1969.
25. Part-time Lecturer and Examiner in Tree Crops Production at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1964 - 1968) and University of Ife, Nigeria for three years (1966 - 1968).
26. Member of Senate, University of Sierra Leone, 1970 till Nov. 1971.
27. Member of Court, University of Sierra Leone, 1970 till Nov. 1971.
28. Member, Finance and General Purposes Committee of the University of Sierra Leone (1970 - 1971)
29. Member of the Academic Staffing Committee , Njala University College, Sierra Leone (1970 - 1971)
30. Member, Academic Board, Njala University College, Sierra Leone (1970 - 71)
31. Member, Research Grants and Publications Committee, Njala University College, Sierra Leone (1970 - 1971)
32. Served as External Examiner to the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Dar-es Salaan, Morogoro in April/May 1971 in Crop production, Principles of Agriculture and Applied Statistics.
33. Prepared and submitted a special 38 page report on how to commercialise the WAIFOR Palm Station, Njala University College, Sierra Leone (July 1971).
34.Appointed Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Tree and Industrial crops research by the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria from February 1978 to 1980.
35.Appointed Consultant by WARDA to the Government of Gambia on the Jahaly Pacharr Rice Project under the Technical Co-operation on Developing Countries, June 30 to July 2, 1980.
36.Appointed Chairman of the 11-man Sub-Committee on Cost Recovery, Resettlement and Crop compensation on Water Resources and Irrigation Projects by the National Council on Water Resources. October 1982.
37.Member of Committee on Strategies for Accelerated Food Production (Food Crops, Livestock/Fishery and Tree Crops/Forestry) and Chairman, Accelerated Food Production, Sub-Committee, Oyo State, Ibadan. 1984
38.Chairman, Board of Trustees Small Holders in Agricultural Research and Extension (SHARE) Foundation. From 2002.
39.Member, Elder Statesman representing Oyo State, of the National Political Reform Conference, February 21 to May, 2005. I also served as Member of its Sub-Committee on Economy.
(i)Agronomy Society of America, Annual Conference � University of Illinois, 1962.
(ii)F.A.O. Technical Working Party on Cocoa Production: (a) Rome 1964 and (b) Rome 1966.
On both occasions, he was co-opted for the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the FAO Technical Working Party on Cocoa production.
(iii)Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Annual Conferences � 1963, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1969. 1970, 1978 and 2006.
(iv)Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Annual Conferences - 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1971.
(v)International Cocoa Research Conferences:
(a)Abidjan, Ivory Coast 1965.
(b)Salvador and Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil 1967
(c)Accra, Ghana 1969. At this Conference, he was appointed Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Agronomy and Soils Resolutions.
(d)St. Augustine, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, 1972.
(vi)Visited Cocoa establishments in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Grenade.
(vii)Got a travel grant between November1967 and January 1968 from the Ford Foundation to visit Cocoa Research and Production establishments in Brazil, Costa Rica, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and Miami, Florida, USA and to study research organization and administration in Universities (University of California, Riverside; University of California, Davis; Univesity of Wisconsin, Madison and Michigan State University, East Lansing); Private Research establishment (International Mineral and Chemical Corporation, Skokie, Illinois) and Government establishment (United States Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C., and Beltsville, Maryland). He produced an invaluable report on my return.
(viii)Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa (AAASA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1971; Cairo 1981.
(ix)Agricultural Society of Sierra Leone � Annual Conferences � 1971, Freetown 1972 and 1974 (Port Loko)
(x)West African Science Association Conferences � University of Ibadan 1970; Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, 1976.
(xi)International Rice Commission � Bangkok, Thailand, 1972.
(xii)Board of Governors meeting of the African Development Bank, Lusaka, Zambia. July 1973.
(xiii)Inter African Phytosanitary Commission (IAPC) meeting, Blantyre, Malawi. September 1973.
(xiv)West African Rice Development Association � Meetings:
(a)Scientific and Technical Committee 1972 to 1976
(b)Advisory Committee 1972 � 1975
(c)Governing Council Meeting 1972 to 1977, 1980, 1981.
(d)Steering Committee on Co-ordinated Trials, Dakar. March 1974.
(e)Annual Rice Review Meeting. 1975 � 1982.
Visited rice stations and projects in Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia Sierra Leone and Benin.
(xv) WAIGANI Seminar on Agriculture, University of Papua and New Guinea, May 1976.
I delivered the keynote paper titled �Farming Systems in West Africa�.
(xvi)FAO Regional Conference for Africa � Ninth, Freetown, Sierra Leone. November, 1976.
(xvii)Workshop on Irrigation Development Planning (with particular reference in conditions in Africa, South of the Sahara) � Accra, Ghana. April 17 � 30, 1977.
(xviii)Attended Conexpo 1981, the World�s Largest Construction Equipment Exhibition in Houston, Texas, USA in January, 1981.
(xix)AGRITECH 1981 Exhibition, the 8th Agricultural Mechanization and Technology Exhibition. September 1981, Tel Aviv, Israel.
(xx)Royal Agricultural Show, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. July 1982.
(xxi)Seventh World Congress on Project Management INTERNET �82 Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1982.
(xxii)First All Africa Crop Science Congress, Pretoria, South Africa. January 13 � 17, 1997.
(xxiii)Seminar of the Directors� College, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business held at the University�s Gletcher Centre, Chicago, Illinois USA. November 6 � 7, 2002.
(xxiv)Small Holders in Agricultural Research and Extension (SHARE) Foundation Stakeholders Workshop on Rapid Diffusion of new Production Technologies among Nigerian Rice Farmers for National Self-Sufficiency held at Kakanfo Inn, Ibadan, Nigeria on March 4, 2003.
(xxv)Role of Company Chairmen organized by the Institute of Directors, London in conjunction with the Business Education Exams Council (BEEC) International Ghana Limited held at La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana. November 22 � 27, 2007.
(a)Member, Club 400, Nigeria.
(b)Vice � Chairman, Ibadan Football Association (IFA) 1967 � 1970.
(c)Member, Western State of Nigeria Football Association 1966 � 1970
(d)Chairman, Soccer Improvement Sub-Committee, Western State of Nigeria. 1968 � 70.
(e)Chairman, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria Football Club (CRIN FC) from 1964 to 1970
(f)Patron, CRIN F.C.
(g)Inspector and Executive Member, Ibadan Area Council of the Nigerian Boxing Board of Control (NBBC) from 1962 to 1968.
(h)Chairman, Ibadan Football Association. 1978
(i)President, Ibadan Foundation from 1996.
1.Cocoa Agronomy (1971). Chap. 4. Progress in Tree Crops Research in Nigeria, CRIN & Abiodun Printing Works Ltd., Ibadan (with G.A. Ashiru & O.A. Odegbaru)
2.Sierra leone Agricultural Directory 1971 (with E.R. Terry), Abiodun Printing Works Ltd. 1972
3.Agricultural Science for West African Schools and Colleges (with A.A. Adegbola, T.I. Ashaye and M. Komolafe). Oxford University Press Ltd. Ibadan 1973, 1979.
4.Cocoa in West Africa (with R.G. Gwynne-Jones). Oxford University Press Ltd. Ibadan. 1973.
5.Agricultural Science for Junior Secondary Schools (with T.I. Ashaye, A.A. Adegbola and E. Nwogu). Books I, II and III. University Press Plc, Ibadan 1986, 1987, 1988, 2006.
6.Junior Secondary Schools Agricultural (with 3 others): Year 1 to 3, University Press Plc.
7.Comprehensive Certificate Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary Schools (with E.M. Igbokwe, C.I.A. Asadu and G.S. Bawai) University Press plc. Ibadan. 2010
8.Pre-Vocational Studies JSS 1-3 (with Olabisi Are, G.S. Bawa and Obiageli Eyisi), University Press Plc, Ibadan 2013.
9.Always a Loser � A Novel � Vantage Press, New York, 1976; University Press Plc, Ibadan (Paper back) 1981.
10.How our Fore � Fathers Lived (African Cultural Publications) � Daily Times Press 1977; University Press Plc, Ibadan 1995, 2002.
11.Challenge of the Barons. A Novel � Vantage Press, New York, 1977; University Press Plc, Ibadan (Paper back) 1994.
12.Physical Development of Ibadan � Workshop organized by Ibadan Foundation (edited with Michael Adigun), 1997.
13.Serving to Survive and Succeed: A case study of Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority, University Press Plc, Ibadan, 2003.
14.Interviewing Successfully for Jobs (with Abiodun Jolaoso), University Press Plc, Ibadan 2007.
15.Are, E.I.A. (1960), Using Gibberellic acid to speed up the germination of Kentucky Bluegrass. M.Sc. Thesis, Michigan State University, 45pp.
16.Are E. Lalekan (1962): The effects of field sprays of maleic hydrazide on the storage losses and cooking quality of potato tubers, Ph.D, Thesis, Michigan State University, 105pp.
17.Are L. (1958): An investigation into the Nitrogen balance of pigs raised on raw, boiled and balanced cassava rations. Division of Animal Nutrition report, University of Ibadan.
18.Are L.A. (1964): An Assessment of some plantations problems in Western Nigeria Trop. Agriculture Trin. 14, 1-13.
19.Are L.A. (1964): The remaining land resources. Pruc. Agric. Soc. Nigeria. 2, 32 � 35
20.Are L.A. (1964): Observation on the effect of Gibberellic acid on the growth of cocoa seedlings: Nigerian Agric. J.,1, 26 � 28.
21.Are L.A. (1964) The effects of folia application of maleic hydrazide on the height of Cocoa seedlings. Proc FAO Technical Working Party on Cocoa Production, Rome.
22.Are L.A. (1964): Drying treatments to keep cocoa seeds viable in storage. Proc. FAO Technical Working Party on Cocoa Production, Rome.
23.Are L.A. (1965): Performance of Cocoa budlings from roughly handled rootstocks grown under different conditions, Nigerian Agric. J., Vol. 2 pp. 61 � 65.
24.Are L.A. and Isleib D.R. (1965): The influence of foliar sprays of maleic hydrazide on the respiration of stored potato tubers. J. Hort. Sci. 40, pp. 15 � 20.
25.Are L.A., Odegbaro D.A., and Oloruntoba B.S (1965): Some important problems affecting the production of Coffee Arabica on Mambila Plateau. Proc. Agric. Soc. Nigeria. 4, pp. 45 � 48.
26.Longworth, J.F., Are L.A. and Freeman G.H. (1965): Problems in assessment of the response of cocoa progenies (Theobroma cacao I.) to infection with swollen shoot virus in Nigeria. Nigerian Agric. J. Vol. 3. No. 2. Pp. 56 � 60.
27.Are L.A. and Afonja B. (1966): Correlation studies of some chupon main stem characters of virus infected mature cocoa tree. Nigerian Agric. J. No. 1. Pp 1-6.
28.Are L. and Ashaye T.I. (1968): Utilizing the Nigerian Agricultural Research Scientist to the greatest advantage. Proceedings of fifth Annual Conference, Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Zaria.
29.Are L.A. (1968): Self help Agricultural Undertakings in the War affected Central Eastern State of Nigeria. Paper read at the 1968 Annual Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, College of Education, University of Ibadan.
30.Are L.A. (1969): Attempts to improve the performance of budded cocoa materials in the green-house. Effects of age of rootstocks and time of budding. I. Proceedings, 2nd International Cocoa Research Conference, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Pp 344-350.
31.Are L.A. (1969): Methods used for rehabilitating Old Cocoa Farms in Nigeria. Proceedings, 2nd International Cocoa Research Conference, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Pp 383-387.
32.Are L.A. (1969): Rehabilitation of Cocoa Farms: Part 1, Cocoa Growers Bulleting No. 13, pp 11 -13
33. Are L.A. (1970a): Cocoa Rehabilitation in Nigeria. Ann. Rep. Cocoa Research Inst. Nigeria. 1968- 69, pp 20-29 and Proc. 3rd International Cocoa Research Conference. Accra, Ghana pp 29 � 36, 1971
34. Are L.A. (1970b): Rehabilitation of Cocoa farms: Part 2, Cocoa Growers Bulletin, No. 14, pp 23 � 2
35. Are L.A. and Jacob V.I. (1970c): Rehabilitation of Cocoa with chupons from coppiced trees. Cocoa, Turrialba, Vol. XV No. 1. Pp 1-4 and proc. 3rd Int. Cocoa Res. Conf., Accra, Ghana pp. 113-118, 1971.
36.Are A. (1970d): Improving Agricultural Liaison services with a view to increasing crop production in Nigeria. Bulletin of Rural Economics and Sociology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 201-221.
37. Are L.A. (1971): Some aspects of food storage and transportation in Nigeria. Bulletin of Rural Economics and Sociology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Vol. 6, No. 1 pp. 95-113.
38.Are L.A. and Alpha M.B. (1971): Improving the management of Cocoa farms. Njala University College Press, Sierra Leone.
39. Are L.A. and Atanda O.A. (1972a): Seasonal influences on some yield factors in four Varieties of Theobroma cacao I. Trop. Agriculture Trin. Vol. 49, No. 2, pp 161-170.
40. Are L.A. (1972b): Tree Crops in Sierra Leone � the present outlook. Sierra Leone Agricultural Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1 pp 36-43.
41.Are L.A. and Jacob V.J. (1972c): Experiments of vegetative propagation in Theobroma cacao I. Seasonal influence on percentage bud take. Proceedings 4th International Cocoa Research Conference. Trinidad 9th � 18th January.
42. Are L.A. (1972d): Problems of cocoa production in Sierra Leone. Paper submitted to the 4th International Cocoa Research Conference. Trinidad, January 1972.
43. Are L.A. (1973): Some considerations for increased crop production in West Africa, Sierra Leone. Agric, J. Vol. 2. No. 2 pp 23-31.
44.Are L.A. (1974): Sierra Leone and WARDA: �Partners in Progress for Rice Development�. Keynote address at the 4th Annual Conference, Agricultural Society of Sierra Leone, Port loko, September 1974.
45. Are L.A. (1975): Cocoa production in Sierra Leone, Cocoa Growers Bulletin, Birmingham, No. 22. Pp 12 � 17.
46. Are L. and Will. II. (1976a): An integrated approach to regional agricultural development. Paper read at the 10th Biennial Conference of the West African Science Association, Freetown, Sierra Leone, March 29 � April 3, 1976.
47.Are L.A. (1976b): Farming systems in West Africa. Keeynote address at the 10th Waigani Seminar, Lax, Papua, New Guinea, May 3 - 9, 1976.
48. Are L.A. (1976c): Rice Production in West Africa. Paper read at the 10th Waigani Seminar, Lac, Papua New Guinea, May 3-9, 1976.
49.Are Lekan (1977): Social impact of Irrigation Development. Proceedings of Workshop on Irrigation Development Planning (with particular reference to conditions in Africa, South of the Sahara) � Accra, Ghana. April 17 � 30, 1977.
50. CRIN Advisory Leaflet No. 2: Maintenance of Cocoa Farms � October 1984.
51.CRIN Advisory Leaflet No. 5: Swollen Shoot Disease of Cocoa � April, 1965.
52.CRIN Advisory Leaflet No. 6: Studies on cocoa seed storage. Part II: Drying treatments to keep cocoa seeds viable in storage. February 1965.
53.Are Lekan (1979): Policy on Water for Agricultural Development in Nigeria. Paper read at the Ogun State Branch Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Abeokuta. September 1979.
54. Are Lekan (1981): The role of River Basin in Rural Development, 8th National Irrigation Seminar, Abeokuta. September 1981.
55.Togun, Soba and Are Lekan (1981): The use of Resident Management for the Establishment of Farmer-based Mechanised Irrigated Farms. 8th National Irrigation Seminar, Abeokuta, September 1981.
56. Are Lekan (1981): The role of Applied Research and Technology in providing Food for the masses � Problems and Prospects. Proceedings � Symposium 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, Lagos. November 1981.
57. Are Lekan, Fatokun J.O. and Togun Soba (1982): Experiences in River Basin Development with special reference to the Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority. Proceedings Fourth Afro-Asian Regional Conference, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Lagos, Nigeria. Vol. 1, pp. 99-110, January 1982.
58. Are Lekan (1982a): The role of Plant Protection in making Nigeria self-sufficient in Food production. Keynote address at the 12th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Benin City, February 1982.
59.Are Lekan (1982b): Establishment of River Basins and its responsibility towards attaining self-suffieciency in crop production in Nigeria. Paper presented during the 1982 Agricultural Week of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Students, University of Ibadan branch, Ibadan. May 1982.
60.Are Lekan (1982c): Introduction of Project Study: Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority Prrojects. Proceedings 7th World Congress of Project Management INTERNET �82, Copenhagen, September 1982.
61.Are Lekan (1982d): The role of Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority in the Green Revolution Programme. Proceedings, National Symposium on �The role of the River Basin Development Authorities in the Green Revolution�. Lagos, December 1982.
62. Are Lekan, Fatokun J.O. and Togun Soba (1982): Manpower Development for Project Execution and the Problem of Educating and involving Beneficiaries in the Planning, Execution and Management of Projects. Paper submitted to President of ICID, United Kingdom.
63.Are Lekan and Fatokun. Jide (1983): Rural Water Supply � The Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority (OORBDA) Experience. Proceedings, 2nd National Workshop on the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, Owerri. February 21 � 25, 1983.
64. Are Lekan (1983): Foods and Nutrition in Nigeria in the 80�s, Proceedings, 2nd All Africa Nutrition Congress. University of Ibadan, February 28 to March 3, 1983.
65.Are Lekan (1983): Water Resources Management and National Needs. Paper presented at the 4th National Triennial Conference on Management Development, Lagos. March 23 � 25, 1983.
66. Are Lekan (1983): Introducing the Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority and its Philosophy. Paper read at the Workshop on Project Management, OORBDA, Abeokuta, March 2 and 9, 1983.
67.Are Lekan (1984): Amazing Grace. Paper read at the 1984 Annual Congress of the Nigerian Society, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs. Lagos. May 10, 1984.
68.Are Lekan (1984): Tips for Effective Management in Government owned Agricultural Production Parastatals. Paper presented to the Nigerian Institute of Management, Ibadan Branch, May 29, 1984.
69.Are Lekan (1984): Role of River Basin Development Authorities, Paper presented to the Council Meeting of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lagos. August 1, 1984.
70.Are Lekan (1984): Towards more Effective Development and Utilization of Nigerian Agricultural Resources. Paper presented at the 4th Annual National Training Conference of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Durbar Hotel, Kaduna. October 1984.
71.Are Lekan and Fatokun Jide (1984): River Basin Development Authorities and Irrigation. Paper presented at the Conference on Strategies for the fifth National Development Plan, 1986 � 1990 organised by the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) Ibadan and the Federal Ministry of National Planning, Lagos. Conference Centre, University of Ibadan. November 25 � 29.
72.Are Lekan (1985): River Basin Planning and Mangement of Irrigation Systems. Paper presented at the Course organized by the Nigerian Institute of Socil and Economic Reasearch (Ibadan) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of National Planning, Lagos and the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. February 10 � March 9, 1985.
73. Are Lekan (1987): The role of River Basins in Water Supply and Food Production in Nigeria. Paper presented at the Delegates Conference of Science Societies in Nigeria organized by the Nigerian Academy of Science at its 10th Anniversary, 26th � 30th April 1987, Durbar Hotel, Lagos.
74. Are Lekan and Fatokun Jide (1987): Road Development in Nigeria � Its Effect on Agriculture. Paper presented at the Nigerian Road Federation 1987 National Conference on Road Development in Nigeria � Past, Present and Future. Central Hotel, Kano. June 1987.
75. Are Lekan (1987): Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority Success Story. Paper read at the National Conference on Management Problems of Agricultural and Rural Development Programmes in Nigeria with focus on Food Policy Planning and Plan Implementation through the RBRDA and ADPs, Faculty of Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile � Ife, Nigeria. February 29 � March 4, 1988.
76. Are Lekan (1988): A profile of Major Exportable Nigerian Agricultural Produce: Strategies for Accelerated Development. Paper read he Role at the seminar on Strategies for Export Mobilization and the Role of Financial Institutions sponsored by Savannah Bank of Nigeria Limited organized by Development & Management Consultants Limited, DMC, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Nigeria. February 2 � 4, 1988.
77.Are Lekan (1994): Strategies for Self-Reliance in Food Production: Nigerian Farmers and Food production. Paper presented at the Symposium organized by The Alumni Association of Nigeria Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (Lagos Zone) at the Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) Centre, Agip Recital Hall, Lagos. October 6, 1994.
78. Are Lalekan A. (2002): Rural Development Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa. Paper presented at the Brown Bag Series, African Studies Centre, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. August 31, 2000.
79.Are Lekan (2006): Energising Nigerian Youths To The Task of Nation Building. Paper presented at the First Faculty of Science Students Association (FASSA) Public Lecture, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. January 18, 2006.
80. Are Lekan (2008): Keynote Address at the Third Public Lecture and Award of Scholarship of the Samuel Adegbite Foundation held at Premier Hotel, Ibadan. February 16, 2008.
He died on 27th January, 2020 and was buried on 21st February, 2020.